Pre-operative information

Our team will be in contact with you to ensure that your pre-operative instructions are clear. This will include where and when to arrive at the hospital and when you should begin fasting.

Weight loss surgery


All patients undergoing weight loss surgery will need to complete a pre-operative VLCD (very low calorie diet) e.g. Optifast in order to shrink their liver to ensure that their surgery is as safe as possible.

Depending on your BMI, this may be for anywhere between 2-4 weeks.

This will be supervised and supported by our expert dieticians who will guide you every step of the way through this process.

All patients undergoing weight loss surgery will be referred to a multidisciplinary team (MDT) which may involve being seen by a dietician and psychologist who will assist in your transition to a healthy weight.

Most patients undergoing bariatric surgery will need a gastroscopy prior to surgery.

Depending on your other medical problems, you may need to be seen by our anaesthetist prior to surgery.


Preparing the colon for an accurate procedure requires colonic preparation to completely evacuate the colon.

You will be provided with the necessary instructions of what to take and when to take it prior to your procedure.

Post-operative information

If you have any concerns at all after your procedure, please call our rooms or present to your local emergency department

Wound care


Most wounds will be small incisions from laparoscopic surgery.

These should be kept clean and dry for 3 days after surgery.

Then the top layer of dressings can be removed.

You will then see thin paper strips on the skin (called steri-strips). You can shower with these on and they will fall off in about 7 days.



Most procedures don’t require any change in your diet.

We always recommend a well balanced, healthy diet.

Dr Dan will upgrade your diet post operatively as soon as it is safe to do so.

Some procedures such as bariatric and anti-reflux surgery require a slow return to normal diet and this will be outlined for you.

However, in general, this consists of 2 weeks of fluid diet, 2 weeks of puree diet, then 2 weeks of soft diet, before recommencing a normal diet.

Some patients following bariatric and anti-reflux surgery will continue to have some problems with swallowing dry foods such as bread, steak, chicken breast etc.