Laparoscopic General Surgeon

with Sub-Specialist Training in Benign Upper GI and Bariatric surgery.

“I perform evidence based, specialist laparoscopic surgery in a timely fashion to achieve optimum outcomes for my patients.”


Bariatric surgery for weight loss

Scientific research shows that only 5% of morbidly obese patients can achieve long-term weight loss with diet and exercise. Bariatric surgery on the other hand, has proven to lead to a sustained excess weight loss of 60-80%.



Gallstones are a very common finding but can cause some serious medical conditions.

Gastroesophageal reflux (GORD)

"Reflux", "heartburn", or "indigestion" are common symptoms that indicate you may have underlying GORD. Many of these patients will also have a hiatal hernia. These symptoms can lead to some serious medical conditions.


Abdominal hernias

Hernia repairs are one of the most common procedures performed by a general surgeon. Hernia's can occur in many areas of the abdomen and groin. Hernia's can almost always be repaired with laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.



We provide a full endoscopy service including gastroscopy and colonoscopy.

Hiatal hernia

Many patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) will also have a hiatus hernia (a hernia of the diaphragm where the stomach may "slip" up into the chest. This may also lead to some serious medical conditions which may benefit from surgery.


Skin cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australia. Melanoma is the most deadly skin cancer, and unfortunately Australia also has the highest rates of melanoma than any other country in the world.


Daniel has won many awards during his training; proving his ability to ensure excellent outcomes for his patients. He is a caring and considerate doctor who believes that communication and excellent surgical skill is the key to good patient outcomes.

With a valid GP referral, Dr Dan would love to meet you to discuss your surgical options today.


If you would like be contacted regarding any of the above conditions, please complete your details below and one of our expert team will be in contact with you as soon as possible